Boycott the "Greater" Israeli Apartheid Regime!

Boycott the "Greater" Israeli Apartheid Regime!

Învaţă, Cunoaşte-te pe tine însuţi, Schimbă-te... Învaţă de la oameni, Cunoaşte-i, Schimbaţi Împreună Lumea!

Tuesday 15 May 2012

Rise Up Against the Corporate Military-Industrial Complex and its Permanent War Economy

On the day of the Palestinian "Nakba", when 760,000 Palestinians (whose numbers have swelled to 4.7 million when their descendants are included) fled or were driven out of their homes, we take a look at issues of solidarity transcending their plight, caused by the Human Rights transgressions of the only remaining apartheid state in the world!...

Rise Up!

Rise up against the corporate state’s monopoly on violence and break the will and self-confidence of its ruling elites.

Identify those corporate agents you’ve been taught to admire! Your solidarity will get these “1 percent” financial elites to sense the beginning of their long-awaited end as you, the people, are about to return to your rightful place in society: only then will they learn to respect you!

For you are no banker’s credit-dependent underling and nor are you any trophy-wife, plastically-enhanced, bimbo-trained-as-a-fuck-doll’s servant, destined to be baby-sitting their spoilt offspring…

Stop listening to the commercial advertisements being passed around by the corporate propaganda media mouthpieces as politics! Take heart from Greece and stop going to elections altogether for you are only giving these public-private servants the mandate to exploit you! Refuse to be drafted into the Military-Industrial Complex’s Permanent War economy, turning humans into human resources!

Re-nationalise what had been public… until Milton Friedman’s Chicago School neocon drones told us to believe in the Ponzi schemes of the trickle-down, golden-showers effect!

Regain those crucial elements identifying you as citizens. Re-appropriate the public utilities – the very collateral underpinning the Social Contract, drawn between the law and order administrators and the Civil Society: public water, public education, public health, public roads, public finances, public administration and so on.

Stop looking for short cuts! Stop believing in luck, fate or supernatural, man-made Gods! Start learning and working hard, and respect all those doing the same. Stop the Bologna Process! For education should be anything but a short-cut to a white-collar job as PR, stock-exchange trader or politician. Stop these privatised, academic diploma printing machines, teaching students to learn-on-the-job rather than in the classroom, teaching you to become wage slaves, flexible human resources for the corporation investors’ profit.

Make inequitable profit a crime! Tax the rich until there is a more equitable society and where the elites underpin a meritocracy, not some casino capitalist hall, filled by upstart croupiers! Usher-in an environmentally-sustainable society, where materialism only refers to a scientific view of society, voided of selfish, alienated consumerism induced by bully advertisers.

Regain your critical thinking abilities and understand that you only have one chance at trying to make a qualitative change, a Revolution in your own lives and, more importantly, in laying the foundations for change in your children’s lives… For there is no heaven in the stratosphere and the only bit of “luck” you will ever get is subject to your understanding this before too late!

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